Monday, March 29, 2010

Optimization of the server reaches 2 million milestone

Optimization technology is essential for engineers, scientists, businesses and students. But the solution of optimization problems can be tedious and time consuming. The key to the success of NEOS is removing barriers that prevent the rapid solution of complex optimization problems.

By using flexible combinations of tools on the World Wide Web, remote procedure calls and e-mail, researchers can access the NEOS server and have solved their problems of optimization automatically, without installing software, downloading and code association or the director of writing subroutines. NEOS users can obtain a solution in hours rather than days.

"Because of the ease and universality, NEOS is immensely popular," says Jorge More, an Argonne Distinguished Fellow, who has led the development of NEOS since its inception ten years ago. In 1999 there were fewer 18,000 entries on NEOs. NEOS is now the main source of optimization technology on the Web for users of optimization software with entries of over 235.00 in 2009.

Using the NEOS Server is simple. The user selects a program, or "solver" a type of optimization problem. To help choose a tree with a "value" offers suggestions and sample each solver of problems and substance. Once the user has selected the solver, NEOS compiles all subroutines, links with libraries needed, and performs the necessary calculations. The user is then transmitted to the solution, and various performance statistics.

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